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Epilepsy Foundation Set to Return its National Epilepsy Walk to the National Mall in March 2025

Epilepsy News From: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Former Congressman Tony Coelho to Serve as Honorary Chair

The Epilepsy Foundation plans to return its National Epilepsy Walk to the National Mall in March 2025 with former Congressman, Tony Coelho, serving as honorary chair, and Epilepsy Foundation national Board member, Courtney Genosi-Caputo as chair. Prior to the pandemic, the Epilepsy Foundation hosted its annual Walk on the National Mall in Washington D.C., drawing thousands of people from nearby communities and different parts of the country. The National Walk provides a platform for people with epilepsy and their families to create awareness, share their stories, connect with each other, help educate others, and raise funds.

“We are excited to bring our signature community event and fundraiser back on the National Mall after 5 years,” said Katherine Griswold, chief development officer, Epilepsy Foundation. “The National Epilepsy Walk is our community’s largest gathering to raise funds and rally for the 3.4 million people living with epilepsy in the U.S. We are grateful to have Tony Coelho - who is a leader and has accomplished so much for people with epilepsy, as honorary chair of the event, and thankful to our partners and sponsors for helping us advance our mission.”  

In 2023, more than 1,500 participants attended the D.C. Walk and raised critical funds for services, seizure first aid training, research for better treatments and advocacy to improve the lives of people living with epilepsy and seizures.

“This will be the 15th year the National Epilepsy Walk will take place on the Mall, which has been the cornerstone in fundraising, awareness and advocacy efforts for people with epilepsy on a national level,” said Coelho. “I’m excited to see the Walk back where we started many years ago. I am looking forward to continuing to use this platform to bring a spotlight to epilepsy and celebrate our community together.”  

The return of the Walk to the Mall is expected to attract nearly 4,000 people with the goal of raising $1M. The event will feature a Partner’s Village, a Children’s Village, and more.

Over a lifetime, one in 10 people will have a seizure, and one in 26 will be diagnosed with epilepsy. Everyone who participates in the National Epilepsy Walk — by leading a team, donating, sponsoring the event, or volunteering — is making an impact for people with epilepsy. Stay tuned for information on how to register and fundraise. 

About Epilepsy 

According to the World Health Organization, epilepsy is the most common serious brain disorder worldwide with no age, racial, social class, national or geographic boundaries. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) estimates that 3.4 million people in the United States are affected by epilepsy. Epilepsy is the underlying tendency of the brain to produce seizures which are sudden abnormal bursts of electrical energy that disrupt brain functions.

About the Epilepsy Foundation

With a network of partners throughout the United States, the Epilepsy Foundation is focused on improving the lives of people with epilepsy by educates the public about epilepsy and seizure first aid; leading advocacy efforts; funding innovative research; and connecting people to treatment, support and resources so that no one faces epilepsy alone. For decades, the Epilepsy Foundation has continued to drive innovation and improve access to care to transform the lives of people across the epilepsy spectrum. Today, the Epilepsy Foundation also focuses on addressing social determinants of health in epilepsy through its partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to address barriers to quality care, increase awareness and reduce the stigma of living with epilepsy. To learn more visit epilepsy.com or call 1.800.332.1000; in Spanish at 1.866.748.8008 or laepilepsia.org. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn.


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